
Avril Lavigne Avoids Slamming Miley Cyrus’ VMA Performance


Believe it or not, our favorite blushing new bride from The Great White North is almost 29!!! Avril Lavigne performed for the Extra crowd yesterday and then sat down with Maria Menounos to discuss a few topics way more controversial than the Here’s to Never Growing Up singer’s birthday! These days every lady musician is asked to comment on Miley Cyrus’ lines-blurring performance from last month’s VMAs and this episode of Conversations with Maria Menounos was no exception! Sadly, though, as Cher’s flubb-ish faux pas proved, saying what’s truly on your mind leads to serious backlash! So, did Avril appreciate MileyBird’s stage antics? She coyly revealed: “A lot of people are talking about [the VMAs] so I guess that’s a good thing for her.” Well, that’s a non-answer if we ever heard one!!! Maria also asked the recently wed rocker about colleague Pink. Avril revealed: “I think Pink’s a really good singer… She was signed before I was to LA Reid and he discovered me as well and so I remember when I first got signed to Arista Records when I was 15 and getting a copy of her CD. Her sound was so different back then to how it is now. Now she’s more like pop rock. I’ve seen her change. I just feel really grateful to still be here today making music.” You’ve seen her change, eh? That’s cryptic! Then Maria wanted to know if Avril was even friends with her, Britney Spears, and Christina Aguilera, all of whom are considered members of the same pop generation! Chad Kroeger’s wife simply responded: “Nope (laughs) But it’s kind of cool that everyone’s still around.” Whoa!!! Another skillfully diplomatic, but not super complimentary answer!! Maybe there’s a career in politics in her post-rock future! She should totally run for Mayor of Canada, LOLz!! See how cute Maria and Avril looked together (below) and CLICK HERE to see more of the Conversations with Maria interview!! – See more at:

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Perez Hilton Talks About Depression and Fatherhood in an Interview on “Conversations with Maria Menounos”


Los Angeles, CA (PRWEB) July 17, 2013

( — Perez Hilton made an appearance on Maria Menounos’ new online talk show, “Conversations with Maria,” last week. In his appearance, Hilton talks about fatherhood, looking for love, thoughts of suicide, and how his parents tried to “cure” his homosexuality. Hilton also discusses which celebrities of this generation he believes will be future Hollywood legends.

On His Thoughts of Suicide:
Hilton says, “When I was [working at STAR Magazine], I became depressed, like severely depressed, and that was the first time I’d ever experienced depression in my life to the point of having suicidal thoughts daily. Like, ‘Today I’m going to slit my wrists. Today I’m going to jump off my building.’ I would spend an hour in the shower before work just sitting…I felt safe sitting in the fetal position with the water on my back and I called my mom and she said ‘Mijo, that’s why they call it work, they don’t call it happy.’ I just refused to accept the notion that I would have to go through life hating what I was doing for a living…I would have rather killed myself than go through life hating Monday through Friday, hating 9AM to 5PM.”

On Growing Up Gay with Parents Trying to “Cure” Him:
Hilton says, “I honestly think I was born gay and I think most people are. I remember probably having similar feelings, but not in a sexual way, when I was six and I got naked with the boy next door and I got in trouble for it and my parents took me to a psychologist, a very Cuban thing to do. I guess to try to cure me or something. The psychologist was like, ‘Your son is exceptionally bright and normal and that’s normal.'”

On Pink, Beyonce, and Being “Normal”:
“Being normal is a choice you make. I look at someone like Pink,” says Hilton, “Pink chooses to be normal even though she’s a superstar. Whereas Beyonce chooses to be Beyonce 24/7. If she wanted to she could be like Pink…I want to be more like Pink than Beyonce…not that I’m either, I’m like Madonna.”

On Creating an Alter-Ego for His Son:
Hilton says, “He’ll probably be bullied out and about, because people might say things to me in front of him when we’re in public…That’s even one of the reasons why, even though his name is Mario, I call him Perez Jr. I want him to have an alter ego as well so when people do say things that are hurtful about his dad or hurtful about him hopefully it won’t hurt as much because they don’t really know him…those people know you as Perez Jr. but you’re not Perez Jr. so it doesn’t matter what they say.”

On Becoming a Bully:
“One of the things [Oprah] said was, ‘Listen, life has the lessons for you and if you don’t listen the universe will smack you upside the head.’ And that’s what happened,” Hilton says, “I had not only stopped listening, I had lost touch with reality. I drank the kool aid…I became a monster, I became this character fully.”

On Being Banned from Chateau Marmont:
Hilton says, “I’m still banned from the Chateau Marmont, not because I got Courtney Love crazy and I did anything that would get me kicked out of there, but because I’m me and my presence there would upset celebrities. ”

On Being on Grindr:
Hilton says, “I’m open to meeting new people. I’m on Grindr. I just use it to meet people, I’m not on it for sex. I saw your assistant on there…I think every gay guy is on there.”

On Being Blacklisted by People Magazine:
Hilton says, “People magazine, I’m on like a blacklist. They’ll never write about me in people magazine or mention me on because they view me as competition. I don’t view anyone as competition because I’m just doing my own thing.”

On Flirting With Gay Men:
“If I’m at a bar and I see a guy I like, I’ll rarely go up to them,” says Hilton, “In the back of my mind, I assume all gay guys think I’m a douche bag…a lot of gay people are ashamed of me, embarrassed of me, think that I’m a bad role model…It’s not easy.”

On If His Website Suffered in 2010 After His Personal “Transformation”:
“[My website suffered] in the beginning because traffic went down, but now it’s gone back up again…I made the decision for myself and it was the right thing to do, not for any economic decision,” says Hilton.

On Campaigning to be on “Dancing With The Stars”:
Hilton says, “I’ve shamelessly campaigned for Dancing with the Stars, I don’t think they want me…but then I also made a video telling Dancing with the Stars to go suck it.”

On Who This Generation’s Hollywood Legends Will Be:
Hilton says, “[Jennifer Lawrence] is gorgeous, very talented and really funny. There’s something magnetic about her…Rihanna’s going to have a very long career, if she chooses too. And Miley Cyrus…she’s smart. She knows how to push people’s buttons and get people talking.”

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